
首頁產品簡介Product-MikroPIC Compilers

PIC Compilers

mikroC PRO for PIC

mikroBasic PRO for PIC

mikroPascal PRO for PIC

mikroC-PRO-PICmikroC PRO for PIC provides all the power and flexibility of ANSI C. It features the most advanced IDE on the market. Many practical examples and a comprehensive documentation allow a quick start in programming PIC® MCUs. [more info] mikroBasic-PRO-PICCompiler mikroBasic PRO for PIC provides an easy-to-learn BASIC syntax, advanced compiler features, built-in routines and many practical examples which allow a quick start in programming PIC® microcontrollers. [more info] mikroPascal-PRO-PICCompiler mikroPascal PRO for PIC enables you to develop your projects in an intuitive and friendly Pascal environment using many advanced features and practical examples provided with this compiler.[more info]


                               Microport Computer  Electronics Inc.                                 www.microport.com.tw 
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