
首頁產品簡介Product-MikroGPS Tools

GPS Tools

SmartGPS Board

EasyGPS Board

SmartGPS BoardThe SmartGPS is a development tool that will help you understand GPS technologies. Connect GPS (Global Positioning System) to your PC or development board using the LEA-5S module. The intuitive design of SmartGPS guides you through the process of learning GPS.[more info]
EasyGPS BoardThe EasyGPS is a development tool for the LEA-5S GPS/GALILEO module. Connect GPS (Global Positioning System) to your prototype board using this tool. The EasyGPS allows an efficient proptotype development by offering complete, cost-effective GPS development solutions.[more info]
GPS Components  
GPS ComponentsWe would like to provide our customers with extra GPS parts for development purposes. At present, we are offering components for several GPS modules. Here you can find components you may need for your GPS prototype device.
more info]


                               Microport Computer  Electronics Inc.                                 www.microport.com.tw 
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